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It may be said that Virgil, while modelling the theme of the Aeneid on that of the Odyssey, expressed his intention to rival Homer's poem(and Livius' Odusia, v. infra). 3. There existed, in parallel with a legend making Aeneas the founder of Rome, another tradition that Ulixes=Odysseus had founded the city. Amazon配送商品ならA Classical Manual Being a Mythological, Historical, and Geographical, Commentary on Pope's Homer, and Drydens Aeneid of Virgil: With a Copious Indexが通常配送無料。 Amazon配送商品ならA Classical Manual: Being a Mythological, Historical, and Geographical Commentary On Pope's Homer and Dryden's Aeneid of Virgilが通常配送無料。 Odysseus too is ptohporthos in the Iliad He appears, however, to assert that Achilles, by killing the sole defender of Troy, had virtually destroyed the city before the wooden horse gave it the coup de grace The implication of 'the sacker of the city' can be contextually evoked in the passages where the name of Achilles is accompanied by this

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